Audioquest Diamondback XLR 0.5 half a meter


Audioquest Diamondback XLR (pair, 0.5 m)

This high-end male-female XLR cable is dedicated to high-end sources and amplifiers. Even DACs equipped with the appropriate connectors. As usual, Audioquest has taken great care in the development and manufacture of its cable. The Audioquest Diamondback XLR is composed of single-strand copper, which reduce intermodulation distortion, enclosed in a Teflon sheath and under vacuum. The copper used is of the PSC (Perfect Surface Copper) type. The main insulation of this cable is provided by a synthetic braid enameled with metal and carbon, in order to increase its efficiency. An eminently audiophile cable!

Audioquest Diamondback XLR (la paire, 0,5 m)

Ce câble XLR mâle femelle haut de gamme est dédié aux sources et amplificateurs haut de gamme. Voire aux DAC équipés de la connectique idoine. Audioquest a comme d'habitude soigné à l'extrême la mise au point et la fabrication de son câble. L'Audioquest Diamondback XLR est ainsi composé de mono-brins de cuivre, lesquels diminuent la distorsion d'intermodulation, enfermés dans une gaine en téflon et sous vide d'air. Le cuivre utilisé est de type PSC (Perfect Surface Copper). L'isolation principale de ce câble est assurée par un tressage synthétique émaillé de métal et de carbone, afin d'en augmenter l'efficacité. Un câble éminemment audiophile !

Condition of equipment

Condition of equipment :

  • Excellent Condition, Impeccable aesthetics

Model & finish

Model :

  • Diamondback XLR

Colour :

  • Blue

Weight & dimensions

Weight (kg) :

  • 0.4

Dimensions :

  • 20x20x3cm

Equipment background

Date of purchase :

  • 17/1/12

Pick up / Delivery



AudioQuest produces and distributes analog and digital cables, digital-to-analog converters, headphones, air conditioning products, phono cartridges and a wide range of audio/video accessories, all designed for exceptional performance and value.

About the offerer

Sigmund K.

Woluwe Saint Pierre, Belgium

Member since 01/05/2025

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Has completed 0 order(s)




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Sold by Sigmund K.

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